I see IEEE papers of people looking into inject high frequency currents into transmission lines for deicing via the skin effect. Has anyone run across a utility that does this to deice their lines? Is it effective? Does anyone know of a vendor?
I know that the maximum fault current flows in a line can be during a contingency due to mutual inductance. That is for a line but can the maximum fault current seen at a bus ever be during a contingency or does it always decrease from the base case with any contingency?
In a thread awhile back, someone mentioned that their company's front desk person had a P.M.P and was told to take it off of her business card since it kind of made a joke of those in management that had it.
In the states, something around 60% of bankruptcies are medically related. I would take substandard care by state paid doctors and longer waits any day over the possibility of being completely cleaned out.
The more I think about it the more my response to the TS question depends on a lot of things not mentioned. Maybe, he has nice benefits that includes a pension, large amounts of profit sharing, or company ownership. Some companies pay very low base that is offset completely by a bonus if the...
This thread didn't go the direction I thought it would. I guess only in engineering , a profession that requires a lot of education and on the job training, should you be happy with cost of living raises.
I am not trying to imply that it shouldn't count. Your experience is probably better than a lot of new engineers that get lost in a large consulting firm.
I don't think that it always has to be under the guidance of a PE. I have heard of people getting PE endorsements from clients.
Some of the work history stuff I think can be feenangled if it is just worded properly. I remember someone posting here awhile back about be surprised that they...
How on a delta-wye transformer do you get it to coordinate when for a ground fault negative sequence current flows into the fault and for a phase to phase fault negative sequence current flows out of the fault? I don't quite understand how you coordinate when the direction depends on the kind...
Is there a reason why I never see a negative sequence time overcurrent protection on a delta-grounded wye transformer? I usually see as backup to the differential a phase overcurrent that is set as close as possible to .57 pu.
It was more making due with whats there and just wondering if it is possible. Looking through the manual, it is slower than just paralleling physical contacts from the relays.
I am wondering if anyone has daisy-chained a bunch of relays together using mirrored bits to carry out zone blocking to reduce bus arc flash levels? Sending a bit from one relay to the next until it is sent up to the relay bus relay. I am wondering if it is faster while also providing the added...
Transmission level utilties often have agreements for maintaining a certain level of reliability with their distribution customers (outage hours a year) and don't make addition investments unless they are exceeding these agreements. The only investments that I know of in the industry that are...
If you don't care getting a masters, the certificate probably is all you want. You get your power analysis and one protection and controls classes in. A lot of the other classes, while interesting, probably won't be very appicable with anything you do. The only thing that I would wonder about...
With the power engineering programs at Michigan Tech and University of Idaho, the online coursework is the same as the in class. Same exams, same projects, and same homework. In class is most definitely better than online but what do you say if someone submits homeworks, projects, and exams...