Dear SWComposite,
before posting in details, I have a question.I feel embarrassed to ask this question but I'm rookie at composite materials.
Is it important to know the direction of applied force in orthotropic materials ?
For example if we exert a force in x direction, other mechanical...
I want to model a composite beam in PATRAN & calculate flutter features.
first of all, I have a problem with geometry of beam in PATRAN in aeroelasticity modulus. because it is 1-D, there is a serious problem for coupling structural mesh to aerodynamic mesh with spline. Because for aero grids...
Thanks for your information !! They are so much useful.
My S Matrix looks like a orthogonal matrix, but it isn't symmetric !! because of that confusing equations for [nu] ( Poisson's ratio ) at that book, S Matrix is not symmetric !!
Thanks guys !! your suggestion was really helpful !!
I just wanna model a simple sandwich beam & then evaluate its flutter velocity !
Here I faced to 2 problems :
1. How can I evaluate the other modes for my beam ? because I think that NASTRAN/PATRAN just check the 1st mode for...
Dear RPstress,
That was useful. but the links related to Brandi Hampson which you mentioned do not work ! Thank you again.
About derivation of my equations, I use this book to evaluate my honeycomb core mechanical properties:
" Cellular Solids: Structure & Properties_Second Edition by Lorna...
Thank you again & again ! It is so much useful.
and what about my second question ?! about the S Matrix ?! Could you help me about that?
Do you also know any useful site or book which could help me ?
Thank you so much !
Dear Brian,
Thank you a lot ! but I just for checking, you mean that in this way that I said, the transverse shear modulus does not exit !! I'm sorry, but could you please explain more . I'm a rookie .
Thank you again,Brian.