I agree that more information is required. Here I will try to list important considerations
1. It shall be ensured that The pump-rated flow can take additional flow to continuous recirculation through the orifice. The rated flow of the pump should be the maximum required forward flow +...
I agree with @Latexman on point no 1. Only actual friction loss needs to be considered. Please note that at the reducer, velocity will increase and some portion of the pressure head will be converted to velocity head. I have seen many software report actual pressure without including the...
Your case is a very simple case. The pipe until the valve at each branch will be full of liquid. Any air present during startup will eventually flow through because there is no high point. For the part of the line after the valve will be partially filled and behave as open channel flow which...
To answer your specific query, the following is required.
1. How flow to each destination will be controlled. I will expect a valve or a restriction orifice to be present at each branch. How far away is this restriction device from the branch take off.
2. You have mentioned that header is...
Really good inputs from @LittleInch and @Katmar. Thanks. @SilverRule, I know you have asked me few questions which are already addressed in these responses.
Simple method is using simple radiation heat transfer calculation using methods provided in any heat transfer textbook.
To explain further, consider the initial condition when the container is at ambient temperature. At this temperature, there is no radiation from the container to the...
To get an accurate result, you will have to carry out a detailed calculation. In such situations, the simplest approach will be to estimate the maximum temperature possible in the container. This is the temperature at which the total radiation from the container to ambient is the same as the...
I agree with mk3223. This requirement if any is mentioned by the process engineer. Normally, we don't find such requirements for control valves because opening/closing times of standard valves are much faster than the usual controller response times. However, such requirements are very common...
Without a flow transmitter, you cannot accurately know the flow. However, one can calculate the flow using the control valve opening if the following information are available.
Inlet and outlet pressure
Details of pipe between the pressure measurement points and the control valve
I presume that the height mentioned in the sketch (11m and 3.1 m) is the liquid level.
As you have mentioned that operators are confirming that they have faced this issue during operation, let me try to find a possible explanation for this. please check and decide for yourself whether this is a...
If the new tank is opened 100% without closing the feeding tank, tank level balancing will happen at a huge rate. That is there will be a flow to the feeding tank from the new tank because of the level difference. This may not be a preferred situation. The feeding pump losing suction is not...
To explain this, Any unit is considered to be either in a safe-sate (normal operating ) or in a trip-state. Normally, Trip switches are configured using Fail-safe philosophy. Trip circuits are normally powered by a lower voltage and Fail-safe design means that power is required to maintain the...
While most of the answers address the question asked, I would like to put the situation in a different perspective with different examples.
Case-1. Water draining from washbasin to a drain pit (without a water seal). In this case, the flow from the tap is usually less than the sealing flow...
Normally for cryogenic service with multiple services, Brazed Aluminium Plate-Fin Heat Exchangers are used. Refer to https://www.alpema.org/ for more details Use of this type of heat exchangers are very common in the air separation industry. On LNG service, Aluminimum may not be preferred...