The only time that you should/can neglect the weight of the footing for footing design is on gravity/axially loaded footing designs, or potentially axial loaded footing designs where the column isn't centered on the footings. There is a whole discussion about net bearing pressures and gross... Dave Atkins' advice on this thread is similar to my understanding of what a standard detail for supporting brick ledge angles on office buildings. The brick veneer is supported by a ledge angle that is welded to each stud with a vertical weld...
You can weld a ledge angle to light gage steel studs to support brick veneer. We usually do 16 gage studs minimum and just a vertical weld between the web side of the stud to the back face of the Ledge angle. We have done this on office buildings with ribbon windows all the way around the...
The P/A + M/S equation is slightly different when you are dealing with soils, since soils can't take tension, and is usually written something like Smax = P/bd (1+6(e/d) for e/d<=1/6.
It applies just the same if the column/equipment is not concentric on the footing. Mathematically, the...
Just a trouble shooting comment, but just making sure that you are including the weight of the footing when you are determining the total eccentricity on the system (i.e. Total Resisting Moment = weight of footing*B/2 + weight of equipment * B/2-e1). The equation on your drawing is just talking...
I have a unique building - single story warehouse that is 210,000 sq feet that is about 85'-0" tall - and I am designing the temporary bracing for it for erection. My issue is that in the short direction of the building, the loads show that I need either (3) 3/4" diameter 6x19 IWRC EIPS Cables...
As an update, we have proceeded ahead with an elevated platform for the drill rig to operate from and avoid loading the tank. It was too big of a risk and too many unknowns. I reviewed the soil loads applied beneath the existing slab from HS20 truck loading, and the overburden pressure was...
So my issue is the tanks are 10'-0" diameter, 1/4" wall with 3/8" x 5" stiffeners at some spacing (I am not sure of the spacing), and the machine that needs to work above the tanks weighs 266,000 lbs and is on tracks (like a track hoe), so instead of discrete point loads from tires, has more of...
That is perfect! Thanks! I will run through this analysis. I have a way forward to avoid loading the tanks by installing an elevated slab on piles, but it is a lot of money to spend. It would be good to know for sure that this expense is required or if we can somehow avoid it.
Just looking for some background on how underground tanks resist traffic loads. This is still in regards to the problem that I have with a very large piece of machinery above some underground tanks (it is a thread on the 2nd page of the storage tank engineering forum), but I am looking for just...
So I have some updates. I asked for more information about the tanks, and found out that they replaced the original tanks with more modern tanks (built around 2003). So these tanks seem like a standard design, labeled as a "permatank". It sounds like this tank design can be manufactured by...
Thanks for the feedback! This is a hospital site . . . the drill rig to drill a hole for a 7'-0" diameter pile is very heavy, I think around 250 to 300 kips. I will begin the process of getting more information on the tank. No real easy answer, but it does have a thick concrete pad above the...
I am a structural engineer by trade, but have a situation where a contractor needs to operate a heavy tracked equipment above a fuel tank buried in soil. All I have been told is that it is UL 58 rated, but this is likely an older fuel tank since the location that it was placed was built quite a...
Thanks for the responses! These piles would be 100% buried but are about one block from the ocean, and the soils they are going through are corrosive. Talked to the geotech yesterday, and he was going to give guidelines about the corrosion.
Note that some of the questions related to things I...
Design a structure on piles in a coastal environment subject to liquefaction and just had some basic questions on pile design in general:
1) What code governs steel pipe pile, H Pile, or concrete filled pipe pile design. Reading old threads on Eng Tips and they talk about a corrosion...