It seems to me that you have a constraint in the end date of the last activity, or in one task of the critical path, that is not allowing the last task to come. Check for constraints.
Also you say that is greyed out?... like if it were only showing the baseline... Check for constraints and if...
I had to use them also to include Payment Items as milestones, so the client (and us), can see when outcomes must be done, and be able to forecast cash flow.
chepe35, MSProject leveled the resources and displaced the tasks so one can start after "Mr. A" finished to do the first ones.
But when you have different resources for each, again will show only the total duration as the longest task. So what should be done is a combination: Logically link the...
Complementing what WillRussell said, that is the best way to forecast your end date. The way to do it is:
- Enter the advance per activity.
- Make sure you tell MSProject the status date of the project by going to Menu>Project>Project Information>Status Date (here you enter the status date)
You are right imtiyaz, every time you modify the baseline, you must go to the excel file and copy/paste the dates. This must be done every time you revise it / reschedule it.
It wont require a lot of man hours though ;), just copy and paste...
Sad1980, imtiyaz, please send a little message to...
You can start use the base line any time during the project. Of course the best moment is at project starts, but, anyway:
If you have the "Gantt Chart" view selected, you should be able to view the gray baseline bars above the ones that will...
Make sure the activity is using the same calendar that the one you are modifying. Some times you modify one calendar, but the activity has another assigned, so it does not update.
Regards, Santo.
Make sure that the succesor has no start constraints, but "As soon As possible".
Also make sure that there is only one predecessor, and the relationship is FS (Finish Start) WITHOUT lag.
Also look at the working calendars, it might be possible that coincidentially the gap is due to...
Do it in this order: Change duration of activity so it ends on the date you are aiming. Then change the advance percentage.
But careful. If the advance percentage is lower than the one you should have accomplished by status date, then when you do the "schedule update" command, the...
What I have done to obtain an ADVANCE s curve is to export the activity, start date and finish date, to excel, and make a formula that calculates the distribution of that activity in time with "IF". In columns, the time frame. then I compare the time frame with start and finish date...