I killed some time at work reading into the case because I was interested.. It was deemed a "special connection" and there were no connection details or intended loads on the structural drawings. The EOR said in the hearings that it was intended for the fabricator to complete the design of the...
If EOR is still responsible for delegated design, what does this mean for general/municipal civils that rely on engineered designs for, say, a precast box culverts, manholes, and junction boxes that get installed on many municipal projects? Is the only correct way to subcontract a structural...
What obligation does EOR have to NOT allow the building to move forward? Seems like there is still an issue if EOR knows due diligence hasn't been done and doesn't stop it.
That's an interesting point. I just pulled up an image for sake of discussion - would you say the hook should be flipped around in this example to keep in the compression part of the footing?
Typically we hook extensions parallel to the force that is affecting them. Once the hook development length is reached, does it matter in which direction the extension is relative to the direction of loading? In my mind, tension is tension and shouldn't matter directionally.
Assume red arrow is...
That makes sense. This reminds me of seeing this DOT detail on one of my first jobs and questioning why they would grease opposite sides instead of keeping the greased side the same for thermal expansion.
I've just started reading about the reinforcing of the anchorage zone yesterday based on recommendations earlier in the thread. As I was reading about it, I always figured it was the lap BELOW the anchor bolt head. Are you suggesting that perhaps it is that deep so that there is also...
It's a rural area, so no standard. As I run through these calculations, I am not really seeing the necessity for such a large embedment depth, though. The concrete breakout strength gets limited by the diameter of the footing fairly quickly, and the method shown by ACI is good up to 25 inches of...
ProgrammingPE I had a hunch that this is what should be done, but I didn't see any language in ACI to suggest doing that to Anco, only Anc. That would clear a lot of things up. Thanks!
AskTooMuch I was reading about using reinforcement for concrete breakout in ACI. They do provide a diagram...
I'm struggling to understand what's going on with the equations from ACI for Concrete Breakout Strength in Tension.
I am doing a check on some light pole footing anchor bolts, and the embedment depths are quite deep on these (~38" so my ca1 values are <1.5hef on all sides of the footing)...
MotorCity - I don't think there is a specific reason for not allowing it to act as a slab on grade other than the idea of getting everything below the frost line to avoid movement (might not even be a big deal).
Correct, the slab is designed for flexure and shear - same as if it were an elevated...