Oh okay, awesome! So functionally it would work fine and not overheat or draw too much current or anything bad, just would have half the kVA rating? Which would be fine because it's rating is a little over double what my machine requires. Awesome!
Hi all, I found a really good deal on a 480v drive isolation transformer but my service is 240v.
My question is since it is just a 1:1 isolation transformer, could it be used on 240v service?
Initially I thought yes, but then I got to thinking the inductance may be different and it would pull...
Possibly so I suppose. Indeed the pressure would likely be higher the deeper you go. But I wouldn't think it would be enough to matter. Soil is more or less a solid where air is a fluid. I mean, it's no harder to drill a hole at the bottom of a concrete wall that is 20ft tall vs the top. I may...
I think I have a decent understanding of the concept behind how helical piles work, but what I am struggling to understand is how the installation torque translates to a load bearing capacity. I know it's different for each size pile probably, but how can torque tell you bearing capacity? It...
Can anyone help me understand how or what the structural error plot is showing in the static structural mechanical solver? I know it's error between the averages of nodes but how is it displayed? The units say mJ so energy? I'm used to solidworks displaying it as a percent error. How would I...
Yes, it would indeed be a non engineered landscape wall. And yes, basically a mortar substitute? Could a construction adhesive achieve the same or better bonding characteristics as mortar basically.
Indeed mortar is very cheap, but it's substantially more labor intensive and more specialized...
Thank you very much for your reply!
"Which equation are you specifically struggling with? Bond strength is probably something like (Phi.ws*K.ws) * (Lambda.a*Tau.cr*Pi*d.a*h.ef) modified by geometry and edge effects. Almost all of these terms come from the tables in the ESR."
It's more so where...
I am hoping to find some sort of adhesive to replace mortar in an application for a free standing decorative patio wall. I plan to do the work myself, so mixing mortar and laying blocks will be quite intensive and time consuming. I was wondering if anyone could suggest a construction adhesive...
I'm looking for a good strong epoxy for doweling #5 rebar into 3000psi concrete that is 8" thick. Some Google searches later I came across Hilti Hit-Re 500 which seems to be one of the strongest available and has very clear and easy to read data sheets to understand the strength but it is stupid...
Wow that's some great info, thank you very much!!
It is a 400-lb part steel part fiberglass coupling spinning at 1500rpm.
Not much has been done yet as far as calculations. It's mostly a way overkill to be safe SWAG for the moment as to the 1-1/2" thickness. After calculations are done it may...
Awesome, thank you! I will check that out and see if they can do it. Though from the sounds of some other comments, I may be better off using the laminated approach anyways for better energy absorption.
Thank you all for the great responses!
So to answer a few things, the primary concern is containing the energy. If the guard is destroyed in the event of a failure that is fine as long as the guard contains any debris. Some yielding would probably be preferred to absorb some energy.
I am working on a guard design that needs a tubular steel section about 24" inside diameter and 36" long. I am wanting to make the tube section 1-1/2" thick, but no standard pipe or tube suppliers that I can find appears to be close to that.
My next thought was to make it out of laminated...
Hello all, I'm wondering what the best thing would be to use to level a concrete pad would be. The last concrete truck was 1 yard short and instead of calling and making them send another truck to finish the pad to proper thickness I stupidly said I would fix it later.
The pad is 105 inches...