In formula (32)the base shear is computed using a ratio of hx/hr. hx is defined as the attachment elevation with respect to grade of the element or component while hr is defined as the structure roof elevation above grade.
What does this mean? If the unit is a hvac unit five feet above grade...
Thanks for your reply TTFN. The problem is that I do not know who developed the chart. This chart apparently has been passed down from about five different parties before being sent to us, the OEM. We had been asked to generate a response by March 23.
I have received a chart which is supposed to be a vibration reading. The y axis is labeled vibration velocity (mms), the x axis is labeled as "one twelfth octave band centre frequency (Hz)".
I do not have a clue as to how to interpret the x axis. I am used to this axis being labeled as Hertz or...
I have received a chart which is supposed to be a vibration plot. The y axis is labeled vibration velocity in mms. The x axis is labeled "One twelfth octave band centre frequency (Hz)".
I do not have a clue as to how to interpret the horizontal axis. I am used to seeing this axis as Hz. or CPM...
We have an inquiry to furnish the design of a piece of equipment to withstand a 7.0 to 7.3 earthquake based on the Richter Scale.
Any ideas as to how the design forces could be calculated when a building code procedure is not the basis?
We have received some bearing tester data that was taken on our fan bearing. The readings were in the dbm 40 & dbc 21 range. dbm was defined as max shock value in decibels, and dbc as average shock value in decibels.
I do not know what "tester" was used.
I do not have a clue as to what these...
Does anyone know of a method to calculate the stresses and deflections for a sandwich type panel with edge loading in a beam type problem?
Normally, the panels have fiberglass facings top and bottom with a honeycomb core, and the loading is normal to the facing, similar to a floor panel.
In the...
We use rectangular tube sheets for use in pressure vessels. The sheet thickness ranges from 1/2 inch to 1 inch. There are numerous holes in the plate for passage of the circuit tubes. Hole diameters range from 3/4 inch to 1.05 inches.Are there any specific tolerances that we can use for these...
Is is possible to obtain a slip critical bolted connection when stainless steel shapes are used? I do not believe this is permissible in the AISC specs.
My question is in regard to material testing, specifically Gardner Impact testing. I read ASTM D5420 (Gardner Impact) and it says that the results are in units of inch pounds. I have a document from a former vendor that states that the impact test on material furnished to us is in units of...
Does anyone know of any example problems that can be used to learn the steps in solving a buckling problem such as a cold formed channel shape? Are torsional flexural buckling considerations a factor in the ANSYS solution?
We use a motor to open or close dampers on a hvac type unit. Various manufacturers of dampers publish values of torque requirements in lb-in per square foot of damper area. These values are based on Face velocity (fpm)and static pressure (in.wc).
How would you determine the torque requirement...
I am dealing with the analysis of a very thin plate that has large deflection due to pressure normal to the plate. Thus I believe this needs to be solved using non-linear theory. I have not used ANSYS non-linear analysis before, so I am proceeding slowly. The problem solved without any error or...