Hi rbulsara,
Thanks for the reply. I've been really busy and haven't had a chance to catch up. I did a search on google and found very little about stress cones. From your explanation I understand the basic function of a stress cone. Why is there stress at the termination? I'm guessing that the...
Hi Oldfieldguy,
So when terminating a cable for example, the insulation is close to ground so the semiconductor and ground shield protect the insulation from degrading by creating a high resistance bleed to ground. Does that sound like I'm getting it?
The stress cone is there to facilitae the...
Thanks for the replies.
I couldn't find the information in which you were referring.
I think I'm beginning to see the picture. What are some examples of areas of ground potential that would cause the pinpoint stress? Are the stresses normally present by proximity to...
Hi Everyone,
First I would like to give some background on myself. I have an Electronics Technician degree from the early eighties. I’ve been working in the oil industry on gas turbine controls since graduation. My experience has been mechanical drives, compressors, pumps etc. In the last two...