Is there any standard or thumb rule to decide the holding/ soaking period of temperature during normalizing heat treatment of carbon steel castings with thickness varying from 4 inch to 8 inch? I believe 1/2 hour per inch of thickness is sufficient for normalizing at 1650F/ 900C.
As per SA 213, minimum elongation specified for T12 is 30% on 50mm gauge length. However, we observe substantial difference in tested values of elongation between full section tubes specimen and 12.7 mm wide strip specimens. This is even after considering reduction factor for thicknesses less...
Usually for corrosion applications we mandate precautions to be taken against iron contamination during austenitic stainless steel fabrication. Should it apply for high-temperature applications also, as for steam boilers? Normally local iron contamination on an austenitic stainless steel...
Usually for corrosion applications we mandate precautions to be taken against iron contamination during austenitic stainless steel fabrication. Should it apply for high-temperature applications also, as for steam boilers? Normally local iron contamination on an austenitic stainless steel...
Is there any special precaution to be followed if we grind off surface irregularities on weld joints of heavy walled P91 header pipes? Will it affect if we do the grinding before or after PWHT? The surface ripples on the SMAW weld runs are interfering with the NDT.
Can the employer's written declaration that the candidate has the required hours of experience in general NDT and specific NDT method, be considered as sufficient to fulfill the experience requirement as demanded by SNT-TC-1A for training and qualification for Level II certification?
EN 12952-5 demands cold bent tubes with R/d less than 1.3 must be stress relieved. However, stress relieving can be waived if it can be demonstrated with a suitable procedure test that heat treatment is not required. The tubes are low alloy steel. What kind of tests can demonstrate the heat...
Thanks. Code interpretation I-92-06 allows a manufacturer to re-identify SA 106 Gr B as SA 106 Gr C provided it fulfills all requirements as per PG 10.1.2.
We have received SA 106 Gr B material with its certificate. However, as manufacturer, we want to use the same material as SA 106 Gr C for an ASME Section I job, provided all specification requirements as per SA 106 Gr C are fulfilled, as demanded by PG 10. Is there a code interpretation that...
Does any body has experience of demonstrating compliance to ISO 3834-2 using ASME Section 1 as the application standard along with its supporting standards?
We are preparing fabrication drawing of a stainless steel cone which will become the bottom of a coal silo. The available SS 10 mm thick plate width is only 1500 mm. Minimum width required to eliminate joints is 3000 mm. Two options are being considered. 1. By making number of petals and...
Is it necessary that the flow nozzles that are butt welded to steam piping made to ASME B 31.1, need to have code stamp? Basically it is a pipe with a conical contoured nozzle welded inside the bore to control the flow of steam. Both ends of the pipe is butt welded to steam pipes to put it...
Is their any way we can avoid impact tests while qualifying welding procedures for EN 12952 steam boiler construction, in view of high temperature of the application? Reference standard EN 15614,Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials- Welding procedure test...
For a 40mm thick pipe welding procedure qualification, is it allowed for a multiple specimens tensile test set, to take samples from two adjacent locations around the circumference to prepare the specimens for radially outer location and inner location with thickness 25mm each? We are finding it...