My background is as an engineer and drafter, not a surveyor. Therefore:
When a suveyor is hired to plot the building perimeter and curbline of a building located on the corner of a street intersection, how many points along the curb corner does he document?
For this question I'm...
Does anyone know of a good summary diagram for an ADA compliant bathroom in a highrise office building in NYC? I believe it would have to comply with ANSI A117.1?
Yes, ajack1 (and others too) offered excellent advice. As for your question: All things considered my overhead is still minimal, so I used a multiplier of 2 on hourly rates to bid the project. ...As for my source of employees, I know some people who I 1099'd with back in the day who...
If I were you I wouldn't be too concerned about business cards. After all, you're essentially just looking for a temp employee position. Focus on having a good resume, and targeting the companies who you could potentially help. If you call a company up, they will be thinking to...
Thank you everyone. I've been monitoring the thread, and it has continued to be eye opening. I feel so much more equipped to bid larger (than normal) projects.
Dear All,
Thank you for the invaluable feedback. The mark-up factor obviously varies hugely from company to company (1.75x to 4x). To me it seems unfathomable to mark-up 4 times a Drafter's salary. I'm not saying that 4x is wrong, but just large. That would seem to create serious profit, and I'm...
Good points, but still isn't there a factor that could get me on my way?
Also, these drafting projects are short term (2 months in duration for two people), and I'm the small company who has been invited to bid. Therefore, even if I bid high, I'd still probably come in lower than some of my...
Hi All,
I run a drafting service business in NYC, and up until this point I've been doing all the work myself as a no-employee sole proprietor. Now however I've run across a few larger projects to bid, and would need to hire a CAD Technician employee in order to complete the projects. I would...
Hi All,
These response have been very helpful. If I can narrow things down a bit more... Some of you seem to be talking about large public sector projects, which I believe would be different than specs for a small six story masonry building interior retrofit and exterior repair project (Just...
If you Google paper to cad conversion, then you could start to parse through the different company websites that provide this service. If you do so, then you will begin to notice that they offer manual conversion, which is to say, someone takes the paper drawing and re-drafts it. The reason for...
DOB laws are local laws that the Department of Buildings here in NYC establishes. For example, the laws could be requirements that building owners need to conform with (or else be fined or imprisoned); whether maintaining their building, or when they want to rehab it or etc. If...
Hi All,
I live in NYC where there are seemingly an endless amount of building retrofits happening. There have been so many times that I've seen a few story tall dilapidated masonry building get gutted, repaired, and refit for a new use. The process is really wonderful. My question is this...
There's been some good posts on this thread, and here are my two cents -- which are a bit off topic, but not completely. I have a degree in Civil Engineering, and had worked in the Structural Design and Heavy Civil Construction sectors for a total of almost seven years. I...