Percolation - good word, didnt know it was used in this application! Good point Demon3, thermally conductive epoxy may well be good enough for this application, but I personally think they are a waste of time - Heres why:
Many years ago I did some lab research on cooling and we found that we...
Well i think the upward force is really due to the tendency of the fluid to want to move to the outside, if there is fluid in its way, it will push it out of the way - and that fluid is driven to the outside also so its resultant is up. To estimate the upward force consider 1 gram (or1/1000kg)...
Patprimmer spot on- And a conductive plastic, with lots of alumina in it, will not be very thermally conductive at all! (sorry to disagree Demon3)[smile]
Thermal conductivity of some solids
Alumina - 30 W/mk
Brazing rod - 145 W/mk
But this is not the whole story becasue the thermal conductivity...
Hi Everyone,
I have recently had a web demo of V20 from Algor. I have to say I was pretty impressed. The main feature is that it seems to respond really quickly, and that many functions have been streamlined, access to them seems to be easier and faster. This was my major concern, I can't...
Smurgie, Thanks. Very useful for clumsy fingers like me!
Will the new version have a different approach to saving and overwriting? (Its pretty brave of you to come on here, we will bombard you with questions!)
In these things it always pays to go straight to source, I was told by my Alfor rep before Christmas that it has slipped further, I think its gonna be end of Jan now....
A further annoyance is that when you accidently press analyse it erases your results, and even if you close without saving...
It depends on whether you are studying the bolted connection itself, or you just have bolts in a wider structural problem.
When I am looking at structures that are bolted together, I normally bond the threaded area to threaded area, and inside of surface of bolt head to pressure surface. If...
I agree that some parts of the model set up are good, other parts of it are, shall we say "under developed". I suppose that the model set up for contacts is where I am hoping to see the most improvement. I do lots of contact analysis so an auto detect of contact surfaces would be great...
I have...
Well according to the long chats I have had with sales staff and tech support, its supposed to be a complete re-write.
The tabs between the 4 interfaces will be gone, everything will be presented in one interface, which I like. Also its claimed that the waiting time between operations will be...
Thank for your help.
Trying to avoid setting up s-s contact in algor as it is really, really time consuming for this many surfaces.
Its not like a ball bearing its like a very complex PVC geometry, with 50 percent of it embedded in concrete.
I could just fix all the surfaces embedded in the...
Hi Again,
Actually on reflection I dont think I see this working, I only want certain parts of my model to be restricted? Will it restrict the whole of my model?
Thanks for your rapid response.
Yep it is non linear.
This looks interesting, but let me explain further. The contact areas of my object are embedded in another object, the other object is of a very hard material, compared to the polymer the first object is made of. But there is no...
Hi, sorry client confidentiality stops me from showing part.
Needless to say it has about 500 surfaces, its a complex injection moulded part with lots of ribs and ridges.
I have reduced the part geometry down through symmetry and de-featuring..
The truss elements are applied at normals to the...