hi Jetrep,
thank you for your time responding, i would like to ask anyone if VPSS 3i PD and VPSS3i Laser CAM Plus is worth it?
someone offer us for $14,400 for this software and i would like to seek an option and opinion first.
guys i really need an urgent help to get a new software that...
Thanks laser guy, ill try to contact him, although i just wonder if the striker is compatible with my machine? I want to get new software which can run in latest windows OS that also compatible with my machine... ill check that striker system too, thanks again bro.
hello everyone,
hi, i need your expertise, i have Fabriwin software that i used in LC2415 Alpha III, and it only run in Windows XP, unfortunately both of the software and the OS crush, im looking for a new software that is compatible with at least windows 7 or windows 10.
any help would much...
Good day thanks for kind respond, yes the head was hit during the operation, the scrap suddenly tilted, and hit my cutting head, 🤕 even i tried to reset the machine the alarm does not go off, and unfortunately cant find on the manual the alarm and how to fix it 😓
hi ausman,
that's great! maybe I will order 3.5" because its also very hard to find 5052 and 6061 here in SAudi arabia, the only available I think is 6063 and still looking at the market. thanks ausman I will try that too.
hi guys, sorry for late reply i went for a short leave and i just got back, regarding the alum, i will try to get 5052 or 6061 alum alloy, and test it, really guys thank you very much, i understand why i cant cut because of the material,
if there's any or alternative way you can help me to cut...
Here's the sample result of alum cutting, it just like that, it cut at least 10mm the beam bounce back.http://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=32eff1e0-be6c-4cf8-a705-7b24c70e3456&file=Alum_1.0mm.jpg