I am designing aluminum screen enclosures in Florida. The aluminum members are thin walled, self mating sections (two C channels that overlap to form a hollow box. THe most common roof shape is a mansard beam. The beam is connected to the host structure at one end and an aluminum post at the...
I would some opinions on whether or not a splice at a gable or mansard style roof should be considered a moment connection. This is for aluminum design of hollow self-mating sections (two C shaped stitched together) usually spiced with a gusset plate. Obviously at, say, the center of a flat span...
Yes, dougantholz your answer is what I was looking for but I was also looking for a reference. I found it in my Roark's "Formulas for Stress and Strain". Thanks.
Also, steve1 shear stress is not insignificant in this case because of the EPS foam core which has a very low G (shear...
Does anyone have any references on calculating deflection due to shear stress? I am looking for deflection due to uniform load, simply supported beam for a sandwich panel (aluminum skins with EPS core). Thanks for any input.
Thanks to all for your input. The open sign coefficient helps a lot but I did need to increase the thickness from 0.062 to min 0.120 inch thickness for the 2x2 post.
In regards to the concern about the projectile (dlew), I'm checking for allowable bending and shear stresses (with considerable...
I share your sentiments. They (the building departments)have gone crazy with our new building code (and it's only been in effect since March 1). As far as I'm concerned it is ridiculous, but the manufacturer has asked me to check so it can get permitted in that city.
Any suggestions for designing wind load forces on a 6' aluminum fence (2x2 posts with (15) 5/8" square pickets)? I have a client that wants this fence engineered for 110 mph wind load according to the new Florida Building Code. Using ASCE 7-98, I ran numbers using the Trussed Tower...
Dlew and others,
I'm aware of all the requirements for additions under the code. The question is whether or not these sun rooms should be classified as true "additions" or not. In 90% of the cases these are being added to existing homes that don't comply with the current code. I'd like...
The building departments are part of the problem. Some are requiring shutters others are not. I just want some engineering opinions on whether or not it seems justified.
I need some expert opinions. I have a client that installs sun rooms (aluminum framing, glass windows, composite roof structure). We now have a new building code in effect in Florida (The Florida Building Code). Previously, these rooms were not treated as "additions" to the home...
Thanks again for the replies.
I ran the gazebo on a 3D structural analysis program.
Here's what I found:
The vertical loads are all OK.
For the horizontal wind load, the deflection at the top of the column exceeds L/60 (for screen enclosures) using pinned base connections. The deflections...
Thanks for the replies.
Ishvaaag, you say I only need pinned connections. Then am I correct to say that I would need to design the roof-wall connections as moment connections? I really prefer to use a base with anchor bolt connections to the concrete and the post thru-bolted to the base. I...
I am designing a gazebo structure for the wind loads of Florida. The gazebo will generally be 8-sided with screen as an option. I don't have a problem getting the wind loads, but have some questions on the design.
What are the accepted assumptions for a free standing strucure? For an open...
I have a book titled, "Aluminum Structures, A Guide to their Specifications and Design" by Kissell and Ferry which addresses this issue.
It states that in the Tables the Slenderness Limits are calculated based on the intersection of the expresseions given in Table 2-2 for allowable...
What is the correct way for calculating the wind load on the overhang using ASCE 7? I have gotten conflicting opinions about using the overhang wind load or adding the overhang wind load to the roof load.