I've read elsewhere that it's generally not a good idea to create any external references (part to other part references) to anything that isn't published.
So in CATIA's Part Infrastructure Settings, should I keep enabled the "Keep Link with selected object" and "Restrict External selection...
Well, I've only heard of the term belly landing being used in reference to fixed wing aircraft. But yes, it is fixed wing as are the Stalker and Spu'Rangers.
Let's say the landing is on dirt (soft at it's best and packed at it's worst).
For the Spy'Ranger , referring to time 1:07 in the video...
I'm a student working on designing a UAV and I'm currently working on figuring out preliminary estimates for most structural loads. I'm looking for reference for the load factors experienced by UAVs designed to belly land.
Examples of UAVs that belly land are the Lockheed Martin Stalker, and...
In a given CATIA assembly, I have my master geometry in a part.
1) When publishing sketches, lines, and edges for other parts to use, should I publish into the master geometry part level or publish to the assembly level?
How can I estimate the deflection at the center of a simply support plate (and a sandwich one) with multiple points but same intensity of load application?
The points of application are symmetrical and form the shape of a rectangle and the loading at each point is the same.
An approximation by...
Shown above is the fillet of two surfaces. There's a small surface in between the two curves designated by the red arrows. How can I remove that small surface by merging the two curves?
The only sections that I nee4d to control most critically are the vertical tail airfoil sections.
The image I posted isn't intended to be reflection of an actual aircraft though, I just used ovals for the sections because they were quick to make.
And the reason I used the sections and guide...
I want to create an aircraft empennage which is blending in with the vertical tail as illustrated by the following picture.
I tried doing something similar but the surface isn't smooth as shown by the attache picture with zebra stripes.
What am I doing wrong?
Ideally, I want to model an...
Thanks for all the suggestions.
Brian, in your upcoming book, think you can include a little section about composite GA structure in which there are little to no stiffeners but rather a sandwich skin to resist compression and buckling? Us homebuilt aviation enthusiasts would greatly appreciate...
I've picked up a copy of Reddy and boy, is it heavy on theory and serious math. Definitely grad school stuff (I'm only in undergrad). Other than that, the CLPT section isn't too hard to wrap my head around.
For now, my plan is to start out by developing a small (4" diameter at most), simple...
There are lots of resources for structural analysis using FEA but I don't want to even dabble with FEA until I can confidently get ballpark answers the old fashioned ways (Microsoft excel, pen and paper, calculator, etc).
Any resources for that?
Here's what I'm looking for
1) Resources for...
Yes, total beginner question.
Why do many introductory or overview texts on composite materials focus primarily on unidirectional fabrics while giving minimal coverage to bidirectional? They focus a lot on undirectional composites and base a lot of the derivations and calculations on the...