Thanks. They have an electron microscope with very low vibration criteria (VC-E) but it's almost 500 ft away. They dyno's and engines need to be supported on foundations with piles extending to bedrock for geotechnical reasons so the client is hoping that the foundation design and distance...
Thanks for the responses everyone. I have been given the maximum torque of the engines. If I multiply that by the square of the radial frequency (i.e. max torqure x (2 pi (max rpm/60))^2) will that give me the dynamic force?
I am designing several foundations to support dynamometers connected to vehicle engines by driveshafts. The purpose of my analysis is to minimize the vibrations transmitted to nearby sensitive equipment. My client has not provided the dynamic loads generated by the dynos, driveshafts and...
I am designing several foundations to support dynamometers connected to vehicle engines by driveshafts. The purpose of my analysis is to minimize the vibrations transmitted to nearby sensitive equipment. My client has not provided the dynamic loads generated by the dynos, driveshafts and...