After making spline and tube along it, I wanted to create deformable. In the assembly I created the wave face as reference and point to connect tube. Tube adopted to position but when I move part it is connected to new position I get Error: Parent features failed to update.
When measuring COG is it possible to do it for selected or local CSYS? The only result that I can get is in respect to main CSYS. What is purpose of object to measure CSYS in measure dialog box?
I tried with the new section line (without editing)and it shows thread in the view.I think the problem could be that section line was edited in sketch and for some reason it didn't want to show the thread.I try to avoid adding additional lines to make it look like a thread,because it's not...
Sorry I didn't understand you at first.Yes I did use Hole wizard and cosmetic thread,but as you can see it doesn't show up every time on a section.
I don't understand what link.You asking me why I added cut thread on the model?How else can I have thread shown on drawing if I don't do that way?I don't quite understand what's you point.
Can't do that, it doesn't allow me to do that.Check the pic.
Can I dimension diameter of this revolved section?
If I hit esc new part will not be inserted.
Looks like this is the only solution or del in place mate after selecting plane/surface.It's annoying to do that every time,anyway @jgKRI I'm using ver 2016.