We have a small fragment that can be used for destructive testing. What we're looking for is an organization that wants to partner to assess the material. There is great news coverage. This is a recent piece from Boston.
A. Used the # as lb in the Air Force forever (Royal Canadian).
What is the # symbol called?
1: The pound sign. This name came to be because the symbol comes from the abbreviation for weight, lb, or libra pondo, literally “pound by weight,” in Latin. When writing “lb,” scribes often crossed the...
Thanks. We've been reaching out to universities but they don't move fast. So we figured we'd go to commercial users that may have the systems. There is a news report being created around this artifact so it'd be good PR for a company.
Yes scanning electron microscope. We used a Thermofisher XRF system (handheld) but there is rust and paint?? on the surface. We have a small fragment from the end that can be used to get to the original metal. We are looking to get a breakdown of what the metal is made from so we can evaluate...
Anybody have access to a system that would scan the surface of a metal artifact (see image) and provide a 3D digital image? This artifact has been in the ocean since 1717 and is a little worn down. It's a plate with about a 12" diameter (30cm). The artifact can't be shipped but can be delivered...
Anyone in the Boston area have access to a SEM system that can be used for metallurgical analysis of a fragment of an artifact?
We have a small fragment from the artifact shown in the attached picture. We have tried a handheld XRF analysis but the surface is oxidized and contaminated.
We can...
Working on a 2nd floor bathroom remodel. We removed a fiberglass jacuzzi tub and a two sink vanity from a master bathroom. We want to install a 400# cast iron pedestal tub and a 400# double, marble-topped vanity. In doing the renovation we've removed the old tile and will reinstall new tile. We...