How big is your battery room? 500 L/s is a large quantity of air! Is this according to your local code requirements?
Also 50 deg C ambient conditions is very high! I would consider an air to air heat exchanger to reduce your AC unit load.
New skills are developed when tackling new types of problems. There are many types of HVAC problems from residential, office fitouts to specialised projects likes labratories and pharma jobs. Reading standards and design guides can be very dry without a real problem to tackle. As others have...
It some parts of the world it might be deemed wasteful to exhaust air conditioned air. To get around this you could utilise air to air heat exchangers which can also reduce the load on your AC unit. This is however a rolls royce solution.
For UPS rooms I see two issues:
1) Maintaining suitable room conditions for UPS batteries. In Australia its common for split type DX systems to serve these room. Allowance for 5% of the full battery load is a common conservative figure for preliminary sizing. Batteries are often rated for...
It's a worthwhile question, especially if you are in a location with no reticulated supply of natural gas, LPG for boilers.
Further to that, you might want to consider heat recovery type chillers rather than standard heat pumps. There is more than likely a situation where you will require...