I followed the steps described in thread560-320686.
However, I couldn't find the "Import/Export" toolbar in "Advanced Meshing Tools" module.
I went to View->Toolbars and searched "Import/Export", but it is not there.
Could anyone tell me how to make it appear? Or I am using a wrong module?
I looked up the chapters introducing Multiphase Models of tutorial .
In the chapter "Tutorial Guide/Using the Mixture and Eulerian Multiphase Models," Mixture Model and Eulerian model are using velocity inlet and outflow boundaries for steady simulation.
However, in the chapter " User's...
I built a model using Eulerian two-phase model with Population Balance Model in Fluent.
A cylindrical tank with the height 2 m and the diameter 1 m contained 80% water inside.
The pressure outlet was at top. Only air is allowed to flow back and no bin using PBM discrete method could flow...
I built up s model using Finite rate/Eddy dissipation with surface reaction.
The surface reaction is calculated using Arrhenius rate. The option for Mixing rate is blocked an turned grey in setup window.
I found that "Rate of Reaction" is zero, "Kinetic Rate of Reaction" is a non-zero...
I got another problem with finite rate/eddy dissipation model using surface reaction.
The surface reaction was activated by
1.Model→Species transport→check "Wall surface"
2.Assign material in mixture to "Site species"
3.Material→Mixture→Create "Wall Surface Reaction" and "Mechanism"...
When I try to solve some equations, I found the solution was all fractions.
check the value of each vector, I found where the situation start.
The codes are like this:
syms a b c
and the output were:
A12 =
5.5000 398.0000 455.0000
A =
[ a...
I added a formula on a point in Formula Editor as attached picture, but I can't require the curvature value.
Would you please kindly tell me how to do? Thank you!
The curvature or curvature radius of any point on a surface can be shown in CATIA using "On the fly" in "Surface Curvature Analysis," and
I can't executed this function on a certain position.
What I can do is to move my pointer and see the value on the CATIA window, but this would not show a...
Can I create cloud point in CATIA?
I know that I can create points by my own using a lot of parallel planes and lines.
Is there a function in CATIA for this operation?
Thank you.
I am using CATIA V5R21.
I am trying to analyze the curvature and curvature radius of a surface in CATIA.
However I found I can't export the curvature along any curve or on a certain point along a certain diraction on the surface.
I thought maybe it is possible to export the surface to MATLAB...
One particle composed of one evaporating and one inert material was injected into a tank.
The mass fractions of original evaporating and inert material were 0.8 and 0.2, respectively.
They could be set up through Define→Injection→Component.
How to get evaporating mass fraction remained in...
It seem solved after I re-startup the computer.
In a while, I encountered an Error 10054 that said that the case can't run in a parallel way.
...Internal Error: ReadProcessMemory() failed MPI Application rank 2 exited before MPI_Finalize() with status 1 999999
T try to find the mass flow rate of a certain species out of the surface in a domain.
Originally, the mass flow can be written as "F_FLUX*F_YI"
However, I found it is not allowed to use F_YI when Non-premixed model was applied, that is written in the manual
" Species...
I am using ANSYS14 to simulate drop particle in a cylinder by DPM(Discrete Phase Model) and LES model(Large-Eddy-Simulation model).
The error "epsilon too small" appeared after 1.82 seconds, that is Flow time = 0.183s, time step = 183, which is as follows:
DPM Iteration ....
I am using Solidworks and CATIA.
CATIA provides Gaussian curvature and mean curvature for surface analysis.
However, I can not find out which surface curvature is provided in Solidworks.
Is it Gaussian curvature, mean curvature, minimum curvature, or other definition?
In the HELP documents...