I work for a small firm doing site/land development and stormwater management. I am a professional civil engineer and have essentially been working by myself with the exception of survey work for the past 11 years. We finally have some support staff in the office and I have been tasked...
Attached is a hydrocad file showing runoff discharging into a forebay, overflowing via a weir into an infiltration basin. I am trying to work out numerous oscillations and after reading the interconnecting pond section of hydrocad, it seems like this may be a good fit. The "two ponds" would be...
Thanks TerryScan for taking the time to look at this. In your experience, is there a way to fix situations like this? Any parameter I change doesn't seem to have an effect.
Hello! Can anyone tell me why this model is not allowing water to pass through the catch basin grates during the 50 year storm? Is this a tailwater issue? I posted the file below
In HydroCAD, If my subcatchment has a time of concentration with channel flow that leads to pipe flow is it necessary to connect the subcatchment to a channel (reac node) that then connects to a culvert (pond node)or am I double counting something? Seems like I would need the nudes as...
I've got a swale modeled to a pond node. In reality the pond node is a Riprap area that provides some storage. The riprap discharges water through an asymmetrical weir (which is the warped edge of the rirap due to the cross slope in that area.. When modeling the real world available...
Hi Peter,
Thanks so much for your response. For a typical storm drain network on a road side, would you recommend modeling each catch basin as a detention pond (storage being the actual volume of the concrete catch basin) with a culvert as primary and an overflow weir as secondary for the...
Does anyone have a spreadsheet already coded to perform a HGL analysis? The one I created is faster then doing it by hand but still cumbersome when I need to edit things. Can hydrocad accurately determine HGL's?
I have a project proposing an addition to an existing dwelling. The addition is so big it is causing a minor increase in peak flow in the post condition compared to the pre. An increase here in New Castle County, DE means the home owner needs to build a SWM system. I expanded my...
Hello everyone,
I am 33 years old and currently studying for my PE. My experience is primarily in land development and stormwater management. I am not only the designer/drafter/engineer on my projects, I also need to appear before planning commissions, board of adjustments and technical...
What method are you guys using to create legends for your plans. Currently my legends consist of text, polylines and blocks (for hydrants and other items) all in paperspace,which makes things very inefficient when I need to make changes.
Got it Ryan, thank you, what do you do around the radius of a curb? I find that the 3d polylines work well, however, say I want to raise the ground between the two end points of a curb radius. I would need to enter a new elevation for each of the points interpolated along the radius. The...
When creating construction plans, drafting cross sections of the BMP seems to be one of the items that takes the longest to put together, specifically for bioretention ponds, which include a lot of hatching for each component, drawing the observation ports, geotextile fabric, under...
When creating construction plans, drafting cross sections of the BMP seems to be one of the items that takes the longest to put together, specifically for bioretention ponds, which include a lot of hatching for each component, drawing the observation ports, geotextile fabric, under...
I am an engineer looking to be more efficient at grading. I mostly work on commercial sites and find that once grading is complete, someone in my office makes a change and the entire parking lot needs to be re-graded. No issues with that, it is apart of design. My question is, is there...