Someone with enough knowledge and access to the latest GOM Inspect (now called Zeiss Inspect), should try to create this kind of datum and report back, I think it should work.
Check and double-check evaluation with CMM. Maybe it isn't so easy to implement the correct evaluation of tangential plane on a cylinder. Because one of the 4 corners will be evaluated and will almost always throw out the worst corner, which extends over the edge of the actual surface, so the...
I'm unsure about this in ASME, but in ISO it could be used for parallelism of the opposite side. Sorry, I don't have anything to share at the moment, except if you check the link -> Link and try to imagine the parallelism (to bottom datum) instead of straighness shown.
A word of caution...
ISO 5458:2018 paragraph 5.4.5 (Rule E: indication of multi-level single indicator pattern specification) has something to offer here.
Not sure how to apply to your requirement.
If local size isn't important, you could add Tangential modifier.
BUT, if this is disk shaped, then check what CMM software is doing first.
It can be problematic if evaluates one of the corners blindly:
Henzold is using this style a lot. In ISO it's equivalent to single segment as this differs from composite in ASME.
It may be confusing, but it's not forbidden either way in ISO.
What chez311 said is true, except, that if you are giving your own money, consider checking European Union sponsored stuff, for example Estonian Centre for Standardisation -> Link
the axis of datum A would be so short, that it is for sure sane to "fix it" via datum B.
In other words, do |B|A| Datum Reference Frame.
For something else to comment, provide whether your drawing is following ISO or ASME world.
Speaking of which, you might also want to adjust dots and...
Hi zsa!
First of all, try to post your question on this subforum -> Link,
otherwise it might not get atention of GD&T experts.
I'm not an expert, but I can assure you that rectangular hole and slot shouldn't be define like that, because it is ambigous.
Just curious, what kind of GD&T system...
I can open attached file in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, so I'm not sure what you mean?
first of all, is datum A some sharp edge? Those "A-B"s and "A-C"s, yeah what Dave said. I know you don't like quality department, but please take your time and think/re-think how will one measure this?
I see it, on the right side, this could easily be [⌖][⌀]2[Ⓜ]AC...
SeasonLee, I only have 1 source in front of me that I can refer to and that's Robert Roithmeier, 2016, Inspection-oriented Tolerancing - Size, Form and Location, page 109
Probably not very helpful, I know, I hope someone can refer to actual paragraphs in GPS.