Hi Bubbak!
If you get a chance, check out the interview with the PM, which includes some slides and demo footage of it being used.
The initial target is designers for Additive Manufacturing.
Some of the built-ins...
I was not aware there was a Borrow Freeze problem with I-deas 6.7.
I saw a report that there was such an issue in NX that was resolved in the NX 1872 Series - September 2019 Update (NX 1884):
If the reported NX problem was due to an issue in the FlexLM libs, then it could also have...
Hi @Pella30!
As @Toost said, this was reported fixed in 1884 and you said you are using NX 1919, so you should not be seeing the issue you pointed to nor would the issue be with your license file.
However, there is one possible relation to your license file. It used to be that the "borrow"...
Hi @bjlasota!
As far as I know (after using I-deas for 35 years), there are no translators from either Siemens or 3rd parties, that can pull data from I-deas files directly (i.e. without owning I-deas).
The reason is that I-deas files do not store "geometry" in many cases. Some of the data is...
Hi guys!
Old post, but I only check these once a quarter or so since there is so little traffic on I-deas these days.
Most of the users I work with are in your boat, especially since Win 7 ended in Jan. 2020, with needing to move I-deas to a Win 10 machine.
Siemens did not officially test or...
I'm not going to try debug your existing program, because I'm probably not the right one to do that, but I did create a program a long time back (NX 5/2010 - forget which Tc we used) that was used to do certain verifications of Managed data.
When I tested the program, however, I ran it in...
Happy to hear it's working for you.
I don't do much programming, nor do I know what the rest of our code does, but from looking at the 2nd check you are doing, as you are checking for a string attribute, which happens to be "1", just wondering if the attribute might be getting processed as an...
Hi @Ehaviv!
I can't answer why you see the exception, but the question of "or vs. orElse" is a general programming Q that can be found on-line.
In short, orElse is a "short circuit" version of the "or" checck, meaning that as soon as it finds an expression that is True, it jumps out and does...
Hi Tom!
If I understand correctly, you moved everything to a new VM that uses the original MAC?
Unfortunately, that is not going to work as you are trying it.
The FlexLM server does not rely just on the MAC ID. It uses the Composite ID (CID), which is unique, even for VM's.
The old days...
NX I-deas is officially certified and supported on Windows 10 starting last year with the release of NX I-deas 6.6. In fact, that was the main reason for that Release.
See SFB-IDEAS-11239 for more details.
During testing, we found some issues where some commands, scriptings, and such required...
With CATIA, large assemblies are often represented in part, or in whole, with CGR files. Which is something like your "inconvenient tricks like facet bodies", so you might not want to discount that approach too quickly.
Comparing to I-deas, the impact is likely that the data is stored locally...
A few thoughts to try...
If you create a Datum on the face, using a construction technique like 2-Curves, one of which is from your "arm", then the Datum will be aligned along it. You can then create your View using "Infer" and pick the datum and it will line-up (no need to even use the...
I don't have access to 8.5 to remember what was possible, but one thought I've used is to create a Measure along the dimension direction to get an Expression that can be used elsewhere (assuming you are looking for an out-bound link).
Hi Carlos!
Hopefully you've already solved this, but in case, here's my thoughts...(going by memory, so if you are still have issues, let me know and I'll have to dig out my old notes).
The Best Practice for TDM was to put it on a mapped drive, usually T: (Q: in your case).
When/if you ever...
Thanks for the correction Cowski.
The matching of Ref Dims is the way we always did this in I-deas, which is why I tried it this way, and when it worked in Forward Create, I assumed the rest would be equivalent as well. My bad!
So you can jiggle the handle, by manually converting to Driving...
Edit P12.
Where the value is, pulldown and pick Formula...
For the value enter the name of the angular dim (I'm guessing P9 from your graphic? use Expressions to figure out which is ~56.3 if you are not sure; mine was P7 as shown).
I tried it twice and worked finein both NX 9 and NX 11...
I know it's not the cause if your issue, but for future reference since you are on old I-deas 12, VC 2010 is way too new for old I-deas 12. It would be using VC 2005 or even VC6 libraries.
But back to your issues, I assume this is the same MF you posted about the 2Gb size on.
I had to dig up...
One popular method is:
- Bring existing part to the Workbench
- Bring new part to the WB
- Boolean Add the New to the Existing.
- You'll now have a part with 2 "branches" in the history
- Delete the branch that was the original
You should now be left with the Existing part but with the new...
The Orbix install should have been the first step that the Installer went through.
Since you say this is a new installation, I'm wondering if that step was somehow missed?
Is it possible an older I-deas was on this and therefore an older Orbix?
You can check to see if the "iona" folder is...
I don't remember the exact limit, but it was just over 2Gb, IIRC, so you are probably correct.
I-deas is a 32-bit app and as such, cannot address more than ~2Gb in memory. When your MF files are near that, it's likely trying to load at least that much and thus you hit a problem.
Not sure if...