بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم.
I am beginner to flutter analysis, using zona and nastran. I wanna a test case to verify my results. Does anyone have a flutter analyzed model of a wing?
Ehsan Badri Kouhi
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
They are not completely the same. RBE is a rigid beam element (infinite stiffness) but when u use an explicit constrain it is like separating a plate into tow pieces, e.g. when u connect tow parts of a beam with explicit MPC the slope of the beam before and after the...
Does anyone now what is the residual vector?
I have a large model. After a modal solution I get two sets of eigenvalues. "Before augmentation of residual vector" and "After augmentation of residual vector". I have no idea what is this residual vector.
Ehsan Badri-Kouhi
Does anyone now what is the residual vector?
I have a large model. After a modal solution I get two sets of eigenvalues. "Before augmentation of residual vector" and "After augmentation of residual vector". I have no idea what is this residual vector.
Ehsan Badri-Kouhi