Thanks Tuckabag. I designed a urea pump for the Audi Q7 a while back and yeah we had to put all viton seals in. For others information permatech ultrablack was also something that we were able to validate as having a similar resistance to viton as a sealing solution. The validation path was...
Yep that is it ..... I process the WVO cleaning and drying it then use it as a fuel in my sprinter van. Unfortunately I do not do bio-diesel. Afraid of the methanol and lye, both are not very kind substances and one is quite explosive.
Sail Smart, Sail Hard, Then think about Sailing Fast...
That is a good point. Although I do remember that when I pulled the pump apart last time there was no noticeable buildup or deposits on the gears them selves. I am thinking it is more an issue with bushings, seals, or bearings.
Sail Smart, Sail Hard, Then think about Sailing Fast ...
So I talked with my electrical guy here at work. He said it is true that most hard wired phone companies will perform a soft disconnect when you switch over to VOIP. But he says I could give it a try, if its not working, the next step would be to go outside the house and disconnect what is...
Let me see what I kind find of my server. Usually when I tear something apart at least take the time to take pictures of it. I can verify that early 90's honda civics used gear pumps for their power steering pumps. That is why I use them for my WVO filtering.
Sail Smart, Sail Hard, Then...
It's a gear pump
Sail Smart, Sail Hard, Then think about Sailing Fast !!!!!
Some day I will sell everything, buy a cascade 36 or a cal 40 sailboat, and turn left at the Columbia River Bar !!!!
So I use early 90's power steering pumps belted to a 4 HP electric motor to pump WVO into my centrifuge. It also pumps my clean WVO through a filter so that I can dispense it to my car. At not time is it ever high pressure, its just flow ....
About every 6 to 8 months I have to go to the junk...
The best way to do this as I look at my cast iron pan is as follows.
If there is symmetry always cut it in half. I.E. If you put a horizontal plane down the center of the handle is the top and bottom symmetrical? Its best to surface a symmetric feature and then mirror that to create the...
I am a long time solidworks guy.
In solidworks parts are created from sketchs, and features. Parts are put into assemblies or weldments. So your chair would be assembly made from parts. The parts are assembled and arranged in the assembly using feature mates.
Thanks man. That would be what I am concerned with is in this day and age when you "call" a land line company like Qwest to disconnect that just do a "soft" disconnect. I am wondering if I look around outside if I could maybe find the incoming phone line and do a hard disconnect. Its on their...
So my father in law upgrades his comcast so that he gets more high definition television, and VOIP. Unfortunately this caused a problem with the mother in law.
So lets back up to what they had before installing this upgraded service.
Before the upgrade:
The cable modem that provided their...
I have taken over a job where I need to have stainless tubes slide inside other stainless tubes for a marine ladder application. The guy that designed this up didn't do a very good job of thinking about it. The top flare interferes with the inside of the mating tube as well as you can see he...
No it won't be higher than geometric center. The inside is full of lube/oil tanks that only come up about 2/3's of the height of the structure. I don't think we need much validation, the owner of the company has experience with this stuff and he is sure that the number we come up with will...
I don't think key creator has this capability. Its not parametric CAD application. What ever we come up with we are going to add a couple inches as a SF.
We have already ball parked it at 30 to 32" from the truck frame top. We don't have the actual weight, so going though this exercise has validity in just that. I was going to use all the calculations and see how they come out.
Okay I can buy that. Not only does the gear pump add mechanical energy, but I am sure the pressure and then centrifuge are also adding mechanical energy.
I will post a video with the new centrifuge soon just for others viewing pleasure. Having a electric motor driven centrifuge does wonders...