Aha, I understand now! I did see your comment about using the channel option also, so I would assume HydroCAD may not have any plans to add a Broad-Crested Vee/Trapezoidal Weir to the list of available outlet options in the immediate future? Thanks!
That's a plus; however, is it really accurate to model a weir with a crest breadth of 8' (for example) as a sharp-crested weir? That doesn't seem appropriate, based on the definition of a sharp-crested weir. Unless I missed something along the way, there isn't an option for a broad-crested...
Is the new flow-through rock-fill option for a pond outlet (available in version 10.1-7a) something that could be used to model a broad-crested, trapezoidal weir rock weir type of outlet? The existing options for weirs (through version 10.0-22) don't seem to match up too well with the rock weirs...