In the head assembly, located between the floating head and the shell side head. Is it typical to add an external force to the floating for the bellow pressure thrust?
I am currently working on a project to replace a NET type heat exchanger. Why is pressure thrust from the expansion joint not considered when designing the floating head, tubesheet, or tubes?
After posting, I was talking with a co-worker and started thinking of the small hole in the blind as a pipe. If you were to do the minimum pipe thickness calculations for a 1/4" hole the required thickness at the design conditions were around 0.005".Using this thought process I was about to...
How is a radial vent hole accounted for when trying to determine t_m in accordance with B31.3 304.5.3?
pi * radius * radius for area then radius again for the moment arm.
vertical pressure * area * moment arm
so the 3rd "radius" is the moment arm. The way I typed it wasn't clear.
I'm unable to calculate the value for RMW the same by hand.
I'm doing - vertical pressure * pi * radius * radius * radius + diameter * height * horizontal pressure * height/2
Am I doing that moment calculation correct?
Design pressure is unknown (existing tank and Im trying to determine that) 10' ID, 20' height, self supporting cone type (detail d), 2:12 slope, 5/16 thk, 115 mph
JStephen, from your experience would you use the nozzle weights if you had an existing tank that you were trying to determine the MAWP for? Also I've been reading through API 650 today and when Ive needed a better understanding, your name has popped up on other threads. Thanks for all the help!
When working through Annex F.1-F.7, I calculated F.1 and F.4 by hand and got pretty similar number as my analysis software. But for the equations (1), (2), and (3) the software is taking the minimum of those, then the max of that of 0. So my design pressure is 0 psi, why is it doing that? My...
When calculating the weight of the roof for an API 650 tank, are nozzles and flanges on the roof also added? The scope specifically say "roof plates" which makes me assume not. If not, what about the weight for Annex F?
My understanding is the higher allowable values listed in SEC II-D are when slight deformation is acceptable. These values exceed 2/3*Y but not 9/10*Y. But even if you used the higher allowable why does the code still pick the lower thickness value?
This might be an elementary question but I'm new to the industrial and would like some help understanding UG-45.
I'm having trouble understanding why when determining what t_b why you pick the min(tb3,max(tb1,tb2)?
If you calculate tb1 or tb2 to be greater than the values listed in the tables...