I am at a lab that calibrates these shunts but does not list the standard these are calibrated to.
Does IEEE have a standard that the Lab must follow to assure compliance.
That is how it all happens. There is no more any integrity left even in Life saving areas.
But I am looking at some clear Nine point circle that passes through all the police marked 'Enter at your own risk' areas showing actual technical inputs.
Such non technical answers serve little except to add to the volume of the forum. Who wants to buy from bad guys.
One might presume that a broker would be able to show provenance of their products. One approach is to go only with reputable brokers and avoid buying from brokers with super good...
What can go wrong in IC on PCBs. I hear there are counterfeit ICs. How do we know what is counterfeit if all is labeled correctly.
A Broker shipped counterfeit microcontrollers intended for use in braking systems in high-speed trains in Europe.
A broker shipped counterfeit...
Can someone explain in a clear way that goes beyond Text. Tan Delta when its high and when its low. Optimum value. some Real life pictures of various angles and the actual rotten cable.
NEC is very Clear. 4 Feet means 4 Feet. The First outlet from an opening is 2 feet in a Residential Building; there is no real justification behind it. 6 feet between outlets and all that.I believe it is the safest clearance based on any arcing etc.
Any equipment Temporary or Permanent needs to be verified before use and extent of verification depends upon its application and function. A light Switch can just be visually checked but a motor may have to be meggared before it is put to use.
There is a document called NETA. It deals with all the safety measures.
Neta World | InterNational Electrical Testing Association
www.netaworld.orgNETA is an association of leading electrical testing companies comprised of visionaries who are committed to advancing the industry's standards for...
Great job. In essence then we are saying is that Resistors cannot be taken for granted for their inbuilt tolerances.
They need to be calibrated. In Accreditations feel invaded or feel attacked when such questions are raised. But I will ensure her understands.Thanks.
There is a mil Standard on this.DO-160-D thru G I believe. These can be certfied to honor these extreme temperatures. Aircraft group tests their cabling and other electronics for these extreme Temeratures.
The Calibration factor for a NIST SRM say is 1.2, atleast that was the case in my test.
The Same material of equal thickness should come close to this number.
If the material is of a different make than that of the SRM or of a different thickness, should the Calibration factor change or stay the...
I was in a lab and the CEO was using the Hi Pot meter that was not calibrated as a variac and using some Multimeter that was calibrated using some resistance combinations to get to some output for the Hi-POT test. Raising it to 1500 Volts on his Hi Pot Tester and using all kinds ogf...