GeoPaveTraffic, thanks again for your input. Agreed, I am starting to look into some of the points you indeicated as I type. I am visiting the site tomorrow to fully understand the task at hand. I believe the strucutral engineering team that designed the structure will be present. I am...
Hi geotechguy1,
It did cross my mind to do some monitoring of the structure with some survey targets.....at this point we just started the subject so hoping to visit the site this coming week to see what is up and understand urgency. it is an active stadium and the main one for the local team...
Thanks for your input Mike....figured lots of investigation and testing would be required and local knowledge for sure.
It is for a soccer stadium that is having excessive cracking in areas due to settlement issues apparently (havent seen the strucutre myself, yet). So figure understanding...
Hi All,
I have question/curiosity with regards to consolidation of an exisiting strucure founded at this point presumably on clay soils. The structure shows some excessive distortion in somce areas and the underlying clay soil are likely to blame. The structure has prob 20 yrs and not sure if...