one of the problems we have with the powder is while we manufacture it it is very messy to handle and cant be couriered for people to play around with etc (not that alot of people have sintering machine lying around..). I think distribution and handling is a real challenge for Ti in AM in the...
I would like to know more about the color properties in recycled LDPE. I want to get purchase some however I dont know how to specify the color (or an acceptable color range) and there doesnt seem common to do this which I thought strange (The optical properties are specified e.g. gloss /...
On the point regarding the aerospace grade titanium what would be the typical difference between this and non aerospace Grade 5 titanium ? My understand is that the composition of the titanium / properties itself are a characteristic of the grade so Aerospace Gr 5 is the same as...
Titanium gets mentioned as being a metal for the future and I wanted to know if people (engineers) are seeing this in practise? I feel titanium is occasionally indie projects more for marketing reasons (bullet proof golf clubs/business card holders..) and there obviously the common applications...