Thank you for your answer.
Aging, temperature, rate dependency and other effects were considered. Also I think there is no large anisotropic behaviour.
Hyperelastic material: I tried two different definitions of the Ogden model, both led to the same results.
I have not verified my stress-strain...
Hi Dave442 and sorry for my late response
We are neglecting friction in our tests, but I have also tried including friction and it does not change much of the normal force.
My test values are SMALLER than my simulation values.
I am already using a very fine slave mesh for my contact, therefore...
Thank you for the answers. I feel quite confident about my model... Few facts:
Output variable: Total contact force CFN
Contact Type: Normal / node to surface / very fine slave mesh
Displacement Controlled
Material: Ogden model from 3 different types of stress/strain tests --> no other material...
I am doing an analysis involving an incompressible Hyperelastic Ogden material formulation. Setting D=0 in the model parameters should specify the model as incompressible. When checking the results, there are negative strain values and the negativ corresponding stress values under minimum...
Ok yes I did this. If you do everything right, can you relate contact force values of FEA simulation to real test force values? Should they be the same? Of course if you have a good material model.
I have tried to validate my model with a some tests but it seems that the Total Contact Force values of my simulation are around 40% different from the real values. I am using a hyperelastic Ogden model with NLgeom on, linear mesh elements and no friction. Where is this discrepancy coming from...
I am trying to access the abaqus license server of my university over a VPN. Opening the CAE works fine, it checks out the licenses. But when I run a job it just stays in the queue for a license and never gets one. Running the lmdiag command of the licensing tool results in:
This license cannot...
I am trying to setup a python routine which opens a mdb, does some tasks, and writes the .inp file, for a lot of different parameters. I am runnning the file with abaqus cae noGUI=.... Naturally, sometimes errors occur, e.g. when creating the mesh. How can I catch the exceptions? I could not...
Thank you! It is quite weird, especially because when you call the same script inside CAE (instead of cmd line), the jobs execute in parallel. What you have posted, works for me.
I have got one question about this: When is it actually necessary to run a script over the cae command? I have always...
I am trying to run a big number of Jobs simultaneously, on a lot of different CPUs. In my Python Script I am runnning a loop which submits all the jobs WITHOUT calling waitforcompletion(). Still, if I run my script over 'abaqus cae noGUI=...' it is processing the jobs sequentially. Why is this...
Thank you very much. It is a pitty the report puts the COORD variable in a separate table instead of an additional column for the stress values. Seems I have to do some Matlab work to assign the nodal stress values to their coordinates.
One more thing: Are the "element-nodal" values the...
I need to output the contact force on every element on a specific surface. In the history output I can only find total contact force... I am still trying to find a more comfortable way than exporting the contact stress values and calculate the forces from them.
I have a nonlinear simulation with one rigid surface pressing on a soft material. Now I would like to plot the contact stress or (even better) the contact force on the SURFACE of the soft body (it is one surface)in matlab. Therefore I tried to export the force values as en xy data file. I have...