Dear Belanger (Automotive)
Quote (Belanger (Automotive)14 Jan 19 14:59)
"But that aside, I suppose position and total runout could be applied together. Since runout is a composite control of location, orientation, and form, the application of an additional position tolerance would isolate the...
In any case can Position Tolerance and Run-Out can be applied together to a Feature of Size or plane surface.
I know both are location control doesnot make sense if applied to same feature, but just want to make sure about this thing.
Thanks @greenimi, i am attaching the file again
Ok Thanks, what i understood from fig 7-40 is if the rotation of the pattern not restricted doesnt make any issue, we can only define two datums in Upper FCF.
But i am attaching one image and here removing datum C will not be correct, as PLTZF is to be constrain in rotation and translation...
Can we have just two datum feature refered in PLTZFW(upper FCF) of a composite Feature control frame for a pattern of hole feature? If yes than what should be the features?