To give you some more background, The shaker system capacity is 600kgf (random force).Typically we use the shaker for vibration ESS testing. Total moving mass is around 16kg including fixturing and all moving parts of the shaker. The Grms value for these tests does not exceed 8 Grms. Test...
Hello Walt,
Thank you for the response and suggestions. It's true that sound gets most audible when it passes through ≈ 900Hz frequency .
I've tried with different control accelerometer locations for bare armature condition and still i can hear a clear sound when the frequency sweep through...
Hello There,
I have question regarding our electrodynamic vibration shaker system.
Recently we have noticed some abnormal sound (like turning fork) from the system when it is used with head expander. It occurs at the frequencies,300 Hz, 600Hz, 900Hz, 1200 Hz, 1500Hz, 1800 Hz and so on. This...