Thank you! Once i have seen how single bearing works, i came to the same conclusion. I have added a second bearing last night, but have not tested the steering under load yet (I was mistakenly hoping that because this bearing feels so rugged (comparing to the tiny bearings in the normal steering...
Thank you so much! That has cleared things up a lot for me. I was searching for suitable solutions today and have found this one, UP003, Link
This is the best PDF could find for it (i probably just do not know where to look): Link
I cannot find a phrase " static mis-alignment" paired with these...
i was hoping someone can help me with a bearing question. I'm currently building a tricycle, and i'm in a process of remaking the steering (old design had flaws). I have decided to try and use UCFL 204 bearing for the shaft (please see the picture, my apologies for my drawing skills). The...