Keep in mind that the yield stress is traditionally set at 0.02% strain. This is not the elastic limit of the material. So, if you are at or above the YS of the material, you have probably already exceeded the elastic limit of the material.
Secondly, if you are above YS, the elastic model...
Thanks to you all for your notes in reply to my original question. What I failed to make clear is that I told my client that if the analysis I conducted showed his design to be inferior to a currently used design, from a stress perspective, that I would assist him in modifying the design so...
Thanks for the reply. My terms and conditions the client must sign before I do work for them requires them to limit my liability to the amount paid by them to me should a legal issue arise. I also make clear that there are no warranties implied and that the work will be done in a manner...
I am working with a client who has started a new business. He has a need for some FEA work to confirm his patented design will match or exceed the stresses found in other commercially available designs, but is finding the cost for such work more than he wants his new business to have to pay at...