No Other grades used for this project. all the material have MTRs with charpy results all fine. During fabrication We stamped all the cut plates with part numbers specified on the drawing. However, all the similar plates have the same part # and we didn't put sequence #. for example we have 48...
Problem is that we have piles of similar plates (24 pcs each) with similar marking, i mean there is no sequence # marking fr each every. they say we want each every piece with unique sequence # which enables trace ability to heat # for that specific piece. is this something per API650? I am sure...
We have supplied an API 650 storage tank in loose plate to a site in north Alberta canada. Plates are 350WT cold weather steel. we provided whole MTRs to client but we can not exactly tell them each part made out of exactly which heat #. they refer us generally to appendix n of API 650 and...