My only suggestion would be to get somebody to make you gun drilled blanks with the smaller diameter all the way through. Something tells me gun drilling on a swiss is limiting you. 16" inches should be achievable on a dedicated gun drill. The runout should definitely be achievable especially...
If I'm understanding correctly, there are two different sized holes gun drilled from opposite sides. The larger one is a datum and the smaller one references it for runout, position, etc. I'm assuming this part mates with something that also has a large and small diamter that mates inside...
Thanks again for the clarification. I did indeed forget the concept that the small tolerance zone didn't need to entirely fall entirely in the large tolerance zone, just as long as the axis did. I think I was forcing myself to believe that the shape of the tolerance zone was going to...
I agree with what you are saying. I've attached a drawing of my interpretation of what the tolerance zone would look like for a single segment positional control of a single feature (the cross-hatched area being the zone). Essentially it's a racetrack whereas a bilateral positional...
I do think that it is incorrect. Especially with the use of the cylindrical tolerance zones. I interpret this bore lying in a rectangular tolerance zone .050 long and .015 wide. Seems as if it would be better represented with a view down the axis of the hole with bidirectional...
Thanks, pmarc for the drawing. Makes it a bit more clear when the part isn't cylindrical. Checkerhater, I looked at the Y14.5.1 standard and of course they show my exact application, but with the hole passing through the axis with not much clarification in the text! However, if I look at the...
I have a very common example in my business where we cross-pin shafts into a bore. The location of the hole along the axis isn't critical, but the orientation to the axis of the shaft and the axis of the hole passing through the axis of the shaft is critical. I know I can get there with...
Not sure from your drawing how datum E works, but I'm assuming in constrains translation in and out of the page.
What you show in the sketch is a multiple single segment positioning tolerance. In this case, each segment controls both position and orientation of the tolerance zone (see 2009...
Thanks, CheckerHater. From what you are telling me I should be looking at projected perpendicularity? Sounds reasonable and would fit the "orientation only" model, I just haven't seen anywhere in the Y14.5 that describes that.
Hey everyone,
I'm having a conceptual problem with some language in the new 2009 standard regarding perpendicularity. The 1994 standard stated that a perpendicular tolerance zone can specify "a cylindrical tolerance zone perpendicular to a datum plane within which the axis of the considered...
I've been trying to wrap my head around the details of determining the derived median line when it comes to things like straightness. I understand the concept of using opposed point measurements and finding the center point of that line element and then creating a "line" through those points...
Thank you for the replies thus far. DanStro, I agree that reference dimensions might be an alternative. I think that the basic dimension symbology was used to express the theoretically perfect nature of the measurement or gage ball/pin. Reference dimensions to me always seems to infer that...
In my past I've seen and used the basic dimension callout to specify a gage location or the size of a gage ball or pin on a drawing. I've seen a couple of threads here that describe it as well. I'm curious if the standard supports this at all and if so where, or are there alternative methods...