I'm designing a new building that is next to an adjacent existing building. My new building is going to be almost 10' taller than the existing building, so clearly snow drift is something I have to consider for the existing lower building. (Buildings are both the same owner and so it is part of...
I'm designing the support for a 24' long hanging folding partition (10' tall). Spoke with manufacturer for loads, deflections, and confirmation that guides are being installed (so wall can only be folded at one end not at the center. The fun part of this one is that it's being installed at a new...
I'm designing an exterior deck for a walk-in freezer unit for a restaurant. The existing building is a walkout (grade slopes from front to back about 9'). They want the freezer to sit on a deck at the rear of the building so that they can walk into it from the main floor. The freezer is about...