Data logging equipment used for motorcycle or auto racing may be worth looking into. These typically measure how the suspension travels (among other data) over the course of a lap or race and usually the equipment has software to complement it. You could set up several channels to measure at a...
I'm interested to see some of the forum member's thoughts on how to handle vertical distribution of seismic loads (AISC 12.8.3) for a couple of odd scenarios.
Scenario 1) buildings that are cut into a hill side. I am currently in progress on a single family residence that is 3 stories on the...
If I was designing this I would probably recommend to the client to remove the fascia and tails at the existing structure so the new trusses can bear either on or adjacent to the existing wall. Less wasted coffee will likely result
I do a lot of raised garages on hill side lots in the Tahoe area. Common practice around here is 4" conc slab over moisture barrier over plywood over LVL joists at 12" o.c. This allows you to spread the concentrated load to 2 joists. The joist space allows for insulation.
I have a tiered retaining wall system. the upper and lower walls both retain 10' each with 12' between. I have the soil shear angle from the geotech report (32 degrees) and for vertical loads from the upper footing the influence line just hits the heel of the lower footing so does not really...