This is the first time I am working with Heat Pumps.
How do I work out the Heat Pump Capacity using given Flow IN/OUT values? Is there a standard equation I can improvise with?
I am trying to create a rough site plan for my workshop plus office showing fire exits and location of fire extinguishers etc. I would like to use the sketch function on Pro E and be able to import that file into a .drw drawing using my companies .frm template and annotate it from there...
Hi there,
I am going to be carrying out an experiment that involves two safety relief valves and a three way dual shut off valve for an HVAC and Refrigeration equipment.
The experiment is going to be carried out using Compressed Air to simulate the flow of refrigerant vapours through the...
Thankyou very much for your reply Cockroach.
Further to my last poste, I am having problems using FLOWMASTER because the software does not allow me to use Safety Relief Valves or Poppet Relief Valves in a compressible transient situation. The reference help function on the software suggests me...
Hi there,
I am using FLOWMASTER software to first of all simulate the operation of a pressure relief valve operation and also to study the effects of wave propagation within the valve and blow down effects.
For the simulation, I am assuming compressible transient conditions over 60s although...