That does make sense.
Basically I just need to lesrn c and I can design the gui in any of the languages I’m familiar with thay has capability to call c functions.
I guess I have to get the Arduino boards to start learning.
It seems like learning C/C++ is the way to go. Having complete control of the hardware is also desirable but the learning curve is what I’m worried about.
I’ll will look at microprocessors more and see what kind of applications I can build.
The Tinker Board seems to be a the best to start with...
I have been looking at single board PC and came accriss a video that showed the comparison in performance between Raspberry Pi3, Tinker Board, and Odroid-XU4
If I remember correctly, there was a time I found the screen of an ATM machine displaying the task bar that showed the program running...
I recently got bit by a bug that had me thinking about coding for embedded systems.
I know some electrical and basic electronics but mostly I'm a programmer with some experience in Python, Java, PHP, Android and iOS. I have been thinking about how they make electronic device like MP3 players...
It wont really matter if it is underground or surface but I'm interested in both. I would like to know how other mining operations keep dust out of an electrical component room on the mining equipment like shovels & drills.
I do get the part where it would be catastrophic to match the setting.
The only thing that would help me now is if I can get my hands on the motor datasheet.
Do you have any idea where I can find it. I have been searching and I'm yet to come accross it.
I would like help protecting the motor with the following data on the name plate:
MOD : MGA 6811
NA : 1679410707
HP : 1400
RPM : 1487
Hertz : 50
VOLTS : 6900V
AMPS : 103.7A
IL/IN : 7
SF : 1.15
COS : 0.88
AMB : 50°C
We have an Motortronics...
Has anybody ever had breakdown problems with the ECM 660IV diesel drilling machine?
How did your team solve them and how long did it take before coming up with a solution?
I second MiketheEngineer
You really should mark the wires when taking them out.
Or do as I always do, take pictures of the connection to your unit before disconnecting anything.
I think it would be easier if you add up the individual current demand of each load to get the main breaker current rating.
But then you would also have to consider the maximum current each motor can draw when there is a voltage sag of about 10%
You might also have to consider the diversity...
Are you saying I must do something like this?
-----------NO------temp switch(NC)--------coil--------