there were no negative eigen value or overconstraints warnings. But by changing the BC, the zero pivot warning is gone.
Now the following warning remains.
1- "There is zero FORCE everywhere in the model based on the default criterion. please check the value of the...
I am solving a 2x2x2 model (C4D8 - 8elements) with nodes on the bottom, side and back faces constrained in their respective axis directions for TMF [temp + Mech on the top side/face] load and it solves.
When I change the constraints, by fixing in all directions, only nodes in the bottom face I...
I was using same step size definition as used for load up, I will remove load even slower. As for the mesh it is very fine at the required area.
Thanks for the tips.
I am trying to model a load cycle with high strain load. It is converging for load up, but it exits with error msg "elements highly distorted" in the start of the unloading. I am removing the load using "ddele."
Any idea what could be the case or what should be done.