As an engineer I would never ignore statistics, and I would never doubt that many women have experienced job discrimination, but as a female engineer I can't say I have ever faced any kind of professional discrimination in work or at university and have (to my knowledge) never been...
Thanks for all the helpful information! Did some more digging and it looks like the readings are taken from random points across the line - the reason the pipe looked as if it was getting thicker or thinner each year was because the *minimum* thicknesses were tabulated over the years -...
Thanks for all the helpful responses! The pipeline is carrying gas, so no fluid solidification. I did ask about a double check before we started making progress towards replacing the pipe - but I'm only here until September and the earliest another UT check can be performed is December!
Thanks for the response! It's consistent all across previous years. The pipe has a nominal of 9.52 (let's say) and 6 or 7 thickness readings (from separate occasions) can be above 10! This could be because of a tolerance, but the pipe switches from 9.6mm in 2008, to 5.8mm in 2009, to 10mm in...
I had some UT thickness results back claiming a pipe was significantly thicker than its nominal thickness! We believe that this is because the pipe was on-line at the time, so the temperature of metal altered the speed of sound within the material, making the UT device think that the pipe was...