Anyone every taken a course in FEA theory? Not really talking about a university type course, but something that a few of my colleagues and myself could attend for a few days to get some background on what goes on inside the FEA black box. Thanks.
I am in need of a way to move an autocad table to excel. the drawing I am working with did not originally use the table function, so am not able to use tableexport. any ideas would be appreciated.
Whatever strings you pulled at Algor seem to be working, because we are receiving a 15 day trial of the nastran translation module to evaluate. I spoke with an Ed Simmons today and he seems very interested in getting to the bottom of our issue. Thanks again!
Funny you should mention a 30 day trial, our very used-car-salesman-like sales representative, gave us that option a while back, but only if we cut the purchase req. within the next 24 hours. This happened when our funding manager was out of town, so was impossible, besides the fact that we...
The big question that we are currently trying to answer is exactly what you asked, whether or not the model is translated properly, including geometry, load, boundary conditions, etc. Right now we do not have the capability of performing this translation, so are working with algor reps (marwan...
My colleauges and I have been evaluating Algor's ability to translate NASTRAN models in order to collaborate with one of our subcontractors on future projects. The tech support people at Algor have translated a model for us, and allowed us to attempt to run the model ourselves so that we may...
I am attempting to add a normal protrusion to an egg shaped surface. I have attempted to sketch on a reference plane and project my sketch onto the surface. However, this of course distorts the sketch, so it no longer has the correct dimensions. In addition, the normal protrusion command...
I've created a group of 38 table curves in an attempt to easily create a lofted protrusion of a ship's hull. the curves are all parallel to each other. However, when I go to the lofted protrusion command it will not accept the input from a table curve. any suggestions on how to do this...
I have two shackles on opposite sides of an assembly, and need them to align with each other so that I can then connect them. Is there any way to do this other than calculating the angles and using the angle relation?
I have a CD full of part files from Crosby that I am trying to integrate into some of my assemblies. However, they all come up as Body Features in Solid Edge. I assume that this is so no individual dimension can be changed, but is it possible to change the overall size of a part? For...
I am adding extra bracing to a frame model assembled by a colleauge. The trouble I am having is that sometimes when I align or mate new parts into the model, many of the parts shift, even ones not associated with the part I am assembling. Has anyone seen this before? How do I fix it?