Ok, thank you.
well, yes the part was created as a rigid analytical 3d part. Sorry I didn't mention it. Then I created an analytical surface by selecting the surface I wanted of the rigid part. then of course made a reference point. from the replies I understood it as tying the analytical...
To amubashar,
I appreciate your comment and having studied biomedical sciences I already know this very well. It is well documented that bone is inhomogeneous and hence its true modelling is very difficult. But i believe I have never mentioned in this forum that I was modelling true bone as it...
Well you are not making it any easier now.
I am simply applying my case scenario, checking if its do-able, if it isn't then I'll make further assumptions and simplifications.
I'm sorry but what exactly is complicated that I am doing? lol
the following error comment displays:
Analysis Input File Processor completed successfully.
Error in job 1650: The rigid bodies with the reference nodes contained in node set ErrNodeRefNodeNoRot1Axis have atleast one axis about which the rotary inertia magnitude is zero, and the rigid bodies...
i could tie the surface with the reference point!!
i went to constraints, tie, selected the analytical surface as the master slave but then i couldn't select the reference node!!
how is this done (tying of rigid body to reference point)????
Attached is a video of my model as it is impacted by a rigid part. This is a bone impacted by an analytical rigid part.
There are three problems:
the analytical rigid part in the part module appears as a rectangle (which is how it is desired) however in the simulation (visualization module) it...
I am simulating an impact of a bone versus a rigid surface (bumper of a car).
I have given the rigid surface a velocity predefined field of 1100 mm/s in the direction wanted.
I have also given it a boundary condition so that it would only move in the direction prescribed.
However it is not...
I would like to express first of all how thankful I am for these replies.
Rob, yes I had applied a constraint to the rigid body but i am not sure actually. i went to constraint--rigid body--- analytical surface....but there were a few more options (please let me know if you would like me to...
Thank you!!
I have just built a part (analytical rigid). I gave it a reference point but when I run a job it says it is missing a reference point? what is the problem?
According to this thread, this might be a reason why I get the error message saying I do not have write permission or sufficient storage.
How do you change the directory of Abaqus? I'm a newbie and I don't know how to do this.
Whenever I run a job in Abaqus, i get a message that says that I should check the write permission or I might have insuffienct storage.
I have run an analysis once before but any subsequent ones gave that message!
What could this be?