does anyone know what a XBGPDT table is?
im getting a fatal error that says grid Id xxx ref by comp id yyy not found in XBGPDT table?
i have lookedup in qrg and other documentation but havent found anything. there was just one mention of it in qrg but it was more of a syntax example but no...
completely understand.
at the moment i dont have the bandwidth (both time & money wise, going thru a divorce) to go investigate this. I looked up some material online and there's isnt much available.
I will greatly appreciate it if you could make an exception and walk me through this. Thank you
Thanks so much for your post. I have some follow up questions.
You could use the inner cap area of a longeron for the load in the inner cap.
how much area to use? i believe it would be area encompassed by the strain gage?
I would not extrapolate this to the load in the entire longeron, as...