Low pressure steam boilers (ASME Section IV) are generally designed for 15 psi steam/30 psi hot water. However the same size boiler can be designed for a higher pressure (hot water only) application by means of increased thicknesses of the parts making up the pressure vessel of the boiler, etc...
Thanks for the reply. But, can someone be a bit more specific to the post (i.e. Are the calculations correct? What about the working pressure of the boiler,, does it affect the "stamped" Min. Relief Valve Capacity on the A.S.M.E nameplate? Proper sizing for relief valve inlet/outlet?)
Could someone please clarify the proper method for calculating "Min. Relief Valve Capacity" in MBH for an ASME (Section IV) Hot Water Boiler. As I understand it, using the greater of 8 x Heating Surface or Gross Output in LBS/Hr. Divide that amount by 34.5. Multiply that number by 33,475...