Hello bdn2004,
From your thread, what I got, you need to use one Analog Input for multiple reading.
Instead of relays,why you can't use Analog Multiplexer Integrated circuit, like ADG506A/507A... from Analog Devices..?
Only thing is need to play little with electronics. No worries on...
Hello Danw2
I solved the issue.
It was not related to any AO calibration.
AO channel was configured to Channel 1 only. but the LCD display parameter configured to average of volume (CH1_flow+CH2_Flow)/2.
Thanks again for your time
With Regards
Shaji Narayanan
Hello Danw2
Thanks for your time.
As I mentioned we are using 8 Transmitters, out of 4 are ok.
The Transmitter has its own LCD Display, it shows 230 GPM based on our scale (0-500 in both meter/dcs) based on the scale we are getting less ma in Ammeter as well as in dcs. 180 GPM in DCS.
I am facing some issues with our 8 GE AT868 AquaTrans Ultrasonic Flow Meter (Water Flow).
Using Channel 1 and 4-20 Analog Output to interface DCS/PLC.
The Flow showing in (GPM) Local Instrument LCD and the current output from the AO is not matching.
Done AO Calibration, and Liniarity...
I am facing some issues with our 8 GE AT868 AquaTrans Ultrasonic Flow Meter (Water Flow).
Using Channel 1 and 4-20 Analog Output to interface DCS/PLC.
The Flow showing in (GPM) Local Instrument LCD and the current output from the AO is not matching.
Done AO Calibration, and Liniarity...