So sorry greenimi, I missed the perfect form at MMC note!![surprise] Agreed, Rule #1 is cancelled.
Regarding the 3 highest/lowest points comment, yes, I should have clarified by stating all points of the surface should be contained within two parallel planes each constructed by either the 3...
drawoh, both surfaces would require a dial indicator. Surface A requires a dial indicator over the whole face (relative to a controlled surface hopefully flat to within .0003) to verify flatness requirement is met before placing it on a controlled flat surface for further measurements.
[Using Figure notations from ASME Y14.5-2009 as References]
As shown, Rule #1 must apply as flatness is only applied to the lower surface. If the flatness tolerance were applied to the feature of size (shown directly under 15+.040/-.020 [Figure 5-8]), then Rule #1 is overridden, but would still...
I concur on the 15.045 regardless if the parallel tolerance is .003 or .010, but the top surface is only wrt |A| so just three highest points on each surface, no?
AWS A2.4 - Surfacing Welds are depicted as a double hump under weld reference line with a dimension to the left of the symbol specifying thickness and would require a drawing view to show dimensions for the width and length needed (or cross section to show specific profile). ISO 2553 is...