Grades are as follows -
ASTM A312 TP316L (basic allowable 16.7ksi) and ASTM A312 TP316 (basic allowable 20ksi.
Yes for basic allowable.
Hence for 316SS dual certified material 20ksi basic allowable to be used at temperature for wt calculation.
When using material 316SS dual cerified for wall thickness calculations in accordance with ASME B31.3, shall the mechanicals of 316SS i.e. 20ksi at room temperature be used.
Can anyone provide some assistance to the following:
Limitations in specifying ASTM A193 2H/A194 Gr. 2H bolts and nuts HDG in piping material classes 316SS dual certified ANSI 150 up to and including ANSI 900 DN 1/2" to DN 24".
Piping material classes in 316SS material dual certified have...
Hi all,
Can someone provide guidance to determine the value of Syt (yield strength at temperature) in accodance with ASME B31.3 CHPT IX K302.3.2 (c) (1). In other words Ry needs to be found.
Due to the application forging ASTM A694 F65 is being considered. This material is an unlisted...
Thanks metengr, but note 21 has been previously understood, which references table A1 states 25ksi allowable stress constant from 37.7°C to 204°C, which is considerably lower than table K1 40ksi at 37.7°C. Based on table A1 allowable stress WTs are lower.
Note 21 refers back to K323.2.1 (b) to...
Hi all,
Hopefully someone can assist me here.
I've got an application where API 5L X60 material has been preliminarly chosen for a high pressure (500Barg) piping system in a B31.3 CHPT IX design code. As the design temperature is up to 90°C, allowable stress needs to be determine at this...
Hi all,
Hopefully someone can assist me here.
I've got an application where API 5L X60 material has been preliminarly chosen for a high pressure (500Barg) piping system in a B31.3 CHPT IX design code. As the design temperature is up to 90°C, allowable stress needs to be determine at this...